Count Controlled Loops

2. Art – Count Controlled Loop Loops controlled by a counter perform for a set number of times before allowing the program to continue or end. The number of repeats is usually linked to what you are trying to achieve – e.g. the number of lines Read More ...
Animation – Count Controlled Loops Before attempting this quiz you should:- Know how to synchronise Scratch blocks on two sprites Know how to add or edit costumes for Sprites Be shown how to set and change costumes Be taught about loops This unit uses the Read More ...
Nested Loops – Count Controlled Loops This Scratch project draws different shapes. The code for each is below, but which code draws which patte Predict Look at the code in the images below. What will each one do? Run the code by clicking on the dots Read More ...
Understanding Loops – Spot the difference. This Scratch project below has 3 animals which have been programmed so that, when you click on them, they run one of the sets of code blocks. They show examples of count-controlled, condition-controlled and infinite loops. But which is which? Read More ...