Shape – Sequence

Before attempting this quiz you should:-

  • Know how to connect Scratch blocks together
  • Understand what clear screen and pen down do.
  • Be taught about move and turn blocks

This unit uses the following code blocks

Answer the following questions


Self Review

Look at any you got wrong and try to work out why. Perhaps discuss with your partner.

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code here


Run each single section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works. Then have a go at modifying the code to make the shapes bigger or smaller. Then try making your own shapes.

Key Question

Think about why it is important to get the instructions in the right order. Are the numbers important too? Discuss with a partner.          

Check with an adult

Ask an adult to help you look at any you got wrong.

Try to work out why.

Perhaps discuss with your partner also,

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code here


Run each single section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works.

Then have a go at modifying the code to make the shapes bigger or smaller.

Then try making your own shapes.

Key Question

Think about why it is important to get the instructions in the right order. Are the numbers important too?

Discuss with a partner.

#1. Which statement best describes what shape will be drawn and why?

#2. What shape will this Scratch code draw

#3. What will this draw and why?

It will draw a rectangle…

Look again closely at the code…

#4. This code will draw a triangle. What is the length of each side?

#5. This code draws a rectangle. It has right angles, but why is a rectangle and not another shape?

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