Animation – Count Controlled Loops

Before attempting this quiz you should:-

  • Know how to synchronise Scratch blocks on two sprites
  • Know how to add or edit costumes for Sprites
  • Be shown how to set and change costumes
  • Be taught about loops

This unit uses the following code blocks

Answer the following questions


Self Review Your next task is to make sure you really understand what is happening. Look at any you got wrong and try to work out why. Perhaps discuss with your partner. Go to Scratch You will find all the code at Run a single section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works. Run the whole code by pressing the Green Flag symbol. Then have a go at modifying the timings so that all sentences are said for 3 seconds. Then try making your own animation. Key Question Think about what advantages there are using Repetition in the code. Discuss with a partner.

Review with an adult

You must make sure you really understand what is happening.
Ask a teacher to help you look at any you got wrong and help you work out why. Perhaps discuss with a partner as well.

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code at

Run a single section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works.

Run the whole code by pressing the Green Flag symbol.

Then have a go at modifying the timings so that all sentences are said for 3 seconds.

Then try making your own animation.

Key Question

Think about what advantages there are using Repetition in the code. Discuss with a partner.

#1. Which best descibes what will happen to Scratch Cat when the Flag is clicked?

He will change costume so that means he will move.

Scratch cat will start in a walking position, but be still for 5 seconds

Scratch cat will then plead.

#2. Which code from the right hand section will run as Scratch Cat changes to the next costume?

The block ‘next costume’ occurs 5 seconds after the start.

In the other code snippet during those 5 seconds, it will make the cat :

  • say ‘Will you help me find my friends’ for 3 seconds
  • wait for 2 seconds

So the next costume block will be run at the same time as the other code is running

  • say ‘Yes please’ for 2 seconds

#3. The dog costumes make it nod it’s head. For how many seconds will it nod?

It will wait for 7 seconds doing nothing.

The nodding will occur as the dog changes costume 20 times each after 0.1 seconds

20 x 0.1 seconds = 2 seconds.

So the dog will nod for 2 seconds

#4. Which command is happening when the dog nods its head?

There are 7 seconds before the dog starts to nod.

This is taken up with:

  • 3 seconds of waiting
  • 2 seconds saying ‘You want me to help?’
  • 2 seconds of waiting

So as the dog nods its head, it will be saying ‘Of course I will!’

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