Using Say – Sequence

Before attempting this quiz you should:-

  • Know how to use Scratch to put blocks together
  • Be taught how to start some code.
  • Be taught about the “Say” and “Say for 2 seconds” blocks

This unit uses the following code blocks

Answer the following questions


Self Review 

Your next task is to make sure you really understand what is happening. Look at any you got wrong and try to work out why. Perhaps discuss with your partner.

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code at   Run a section of code by clicking on the top instruction. Investigate how it works. Scroll up to find more. Then have a go at modifying them and making your own sentences. Challenge – Can you add more sentences and change the time depending on the number of words said?

Key Question

Why might it be better to use “Say” rather than “Say for 2 seconds”? Is there a difference? Discuss this with a partner.

Check your understanding with someone else

You must make sure you understand what is going on in each of the questions.

Check with an adult or partner to make sure you really understand what is happening.

Look at any you got wrong and try to work out why. Make sure you know what each instruction will do.

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code at

a section of code by clicking on the top instruction. Investigate how it works.

Scroll up to find more. Then have a go at modifying them and making your own sentences.

Challenge –

Can you add more sentences and change the time depending on the number of words said?

Key Question

Why might it be better to use “Say” rather than “Say for 2 seconds”?
Is there a difference?

Discuss this with a partner.

#1. What will this program make Scratch Cat say?

  • Is there any punctuation in the Say block?
  • it will only say what is in the first white box.
  • it will not say the number of seconds.

#2. Which will make Scratch Cat count correctly from 1 to 4?

  • Are all the blocks connected?
  • Are the numbers in the right order?
  • is it saying the same thing but for a different number of seconds?

#3. Which program do you think will work best?

  • Are the words in a sensible order?
  • if there is no pause (wait) then it will skip to the next word straight away.
  • Does it make sense to have punctuation by itself at the end?

#4. Which image shows what the program will do?

  • It will say “Hello dog.” then “What’s your name?”
  • it will say it in the correct order
  • There is no gap between the sentences.
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