Using Join & 1 Variable

Before attempting this quiz ;-

  • Have a good understanding of the Join block using words.
  • Be introduced to the concept of variables holding words

This lesson focuses on creating sentences for a dialogue.


Self Review Your next task is to make sure you really understand what is happening. Look at any you got wrong and try to work out why. Perhaps discuss with your partner. Go to Scratch You will find all the code at Run a section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works. Scroll up to find more. Then have a go at modifying them and making your own sentences. Challenge – can you get the spacing and punctuation right? Key Question Think about what advantages there are using a Variable in the code. Can you think of a device which could use this? Discuss with a partner.

Review with someone

Did you look and choose carefully enough?
Ask someone to help you look at your answers, such as a partner or adult.

To help you understand what is happening, look at what the correct answers should have been and discuss why. Read the comments to see if they explain why the others are wrong.

Go to Scratch

You will find all the code at

Run a section of code by clicking to the top instruction. Investigate how it works.
Scroll up to find more. Then have a go at modifying them and making your own sentences.

Challenge – can you get the spacing and punctuation right?

Key Question

Think about what advantages there are using a Variable in the code. Can you think of a device which could use this? Discuss with a partner

#1. What will Scratch Cat say?

#2. What will Scratch Cat say?

#3. What will Scratch Cat say this time?

  1. It replaces the variable DogName in the sentence with the value Amber.
  2. it does not say the Join command.
  3. It joins the string in the order given.


#4. What will Scratch Cat say in this dialogue?

1. When it sets the name it does not say it.

2. It will say one phrase, then it will say the other.

3. There is no punctuation at the end of each phrase.

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