Square, Rectangle or Neither

Each of these questions uses Scratch commands to draw a shape, but can you tell which is a square or a rectangle? Or is it neither of them?


You have done well… Check any you don’t understand on the Scratch page at this link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/369988678/editor/

A good try…

Perhaps you should ask your teacher about any instructions you don’t understand.

You can try walking out the instructions with a partner.

You can find all the codes and run them on the Scratch page at this link



#1. What shape does this code draw?

#2. What shape does this code draw?

#3. What shape does this code draw?

#4. What shape does this code draw?

#5. What shape does this code draw?

#6. What shape does this code draw?

#7. What shape does this code draw?

#8. What shape does this code draw?

#9. What shape does this code draw?

#10. What shape does this code draw?

#11. What shape does this code draw?

#12. Which one draws a square

#13. What shape does this code draw?

#14. What shape does this code draw?

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